Archive for the ‘Indigenous’ Category

Rampup on the ABC web is a great place for some opinion pieces and good writing about issues and aspects of disability.

A recent opinion piece by Damian Griffis called “Disability in Indigenous communities; addressing the disadvantage” has some good background. I’m not sure that Damian has done a great job at actually telling us the strategies to address the disadvantage but he’s certainly highlighted many of the issues. It’s also good to see that First Person’s Disability Network (Australia) is going to push these factors as part of the NDIS, but it is really small so it needs partners and cooperation.image Motivation Australia and CBM Australia have both done significant work in this space in the last few years. Perhaps some funding to help indigenous people to work with these and other organisations to craft what would work is what’s needed to make equity in rural and remote Australia a reality?

(Declaration: I’m on the Board of Motivation Australia)

On Tuesday evening next week, the Hawke Centre in Adelaide and Motivation Aid Development Australia (MADO) will be having a special forum/presentation called “The Right to Mobility.”  Everyone is welcome but please register here.

I’m particularly looking forward to hearing Damian Griffis talking about the issue from an indigenous Australian perspective. David C is great too.

See you there if you’re in Adelaide.
